Don't pay any attention to losers who are think they are going to die because they have to read 30 pages of anything. "I will not hunt. The general read what Rainsford was thinking. They pointed alongthe cliff in the direction he had been going. Rainsford calls the hunt barbaric, to which Zaroff responds that life is for the strong.. I needed a new animal. I'm really not feeling well.". He lunged for it; a short, hoarse cry came from his lipsas he realized he had reached too far and had lost his balance.The cry was pinched off short as the blood-warm waters of theCaribbean Sea dosed over his head. Great sport, hunting.". Twenty feet below him the sea rumbled and hissed. He had to stop to get his breath. But it was no mirage, he found, when he opened the tall spiked iron gate. The most popular short story ever written in English has been said about it. Two slight annoyanceskept him from perfect enjoyment. The oldest gargoyle is 13,000 years old. On guard,Rainsford \" He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided. "Pistol shot," muttered Rainsford, swimming on. Cossacks were members of several ethnic groups in southern Russia and adjacent parts of Asia. It givesme pleasure. Precariously means in a way that is not safe, certain, or steady. It suggests the mood or atmosphere that will be developed in the story. That which was approachingwas a man. . He saw the dead black eyes of the general on him, studying him. Great Guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of ismurder.\" The general laughed with entire good nature. I was lying in my tent with a splitting headache onenight when a terrible thought pushed its way into my mind.Hunting was beginning to bore me! Sometimes I think evilis a tangible thingwith wave lengths, just as sound and lighthave. hbbd``b` $[A2`^@+ V>7# \"I wanted the ideal animal to hunt,\" explained the general.\"So I said, `What are the attributes of an ideal quarry?' He struggled up to the surface and tried to cry out, but the wash from the speeding yacht slapped him in the face and the salt water in his open mouth made him gag and strangle. That was suicide. Those fishy blue eyes held a look I never saw there before. However, the associations that blood has with wounds and death suggest danger and suffering, implying that Rainsford is in peril. Those fishy blue eyes helda look I never saw there before. But what kind of men, hewondered, in so forbidding a place? So intent was the Cossack on his stalk-ing that he was upon the thing Rainsford had made before hesaw it. The Cape buffalo is not the most dangerous biggame.\" He sipped his wine. Many noble Russians lost everything. He admits that he has so far won every hunt. _< The general's eyes had left the ground and were traveling inch by inch up the tree. To hold ones tongue is an expression that means to stop oneself from speaking. May I pour you another glass of port? \"I'll tell you,\" said the general. We can talklater. With it he had a bottle of PolRoger and half a bottle of Chambertin. I'm really not feeling well.\" \"Ah, indeed?\" the general inquired solicitously. structure with pointed towers plunging upward into the gloom. I fell off a yacht. He went to the window and looked out. Nothing escaped those searching black eyes, no crushed blade of grass, no bent twig, no mark, no matter how faint, in the moss. Rainsford, with an effort, held histongue in check. We call it Death Swamp. Find more similar flip PDFs like The Most Dangerous Game. \"Here in my preserve on this is-land,\" he said in the same slow tone, \"I hunt more dangerousgame.\" 9 ", The general laughed with entire good nature. So I bought this island built this house, and here I do my hunting. But as he forged along he saw to his great astonishment that all the lights were in one enormous buildinga lofty structure with pointed towers plunging upward into the gloom. My whole life has been one prolonged hunt. There's quicksand there. So they are dangerous. Once again, the sea is personified. The last shot waswhen he trailed it here and finished it.\" He examined the ground closely and found what he hadhoped to findthe print of hunting boots. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). "Sorry you can't go with me tonight," called the general. "I must do something. Full Title: The Most Dangerous Game, or The Hounds of Zaroff Where Written: Westport, Connecticut When Published: 1924 Literary Period: Modernism Genre: Short story, adventure Setting: A remote island in the Caribbean Sea Climax: After eluding the murderous General Zaroff in the jungle, Sanger Rainsford kills the general in his mansion. Read Online. Rainsford did not want to believe what his reason told him was true, but the truth was as evident as the sun that had by now pushed through the morning mists. "Did not make me condone cold-blooded murder," finished Rainsford stiffly. "The fog is so thick I can't see my hand in front of me." "Don't worry;" Whitney said. The image emphasizes the darkness of the night in contrast to the sudden glaring brightness of the gold light. "This island is called Ship Trap," he answered. thz book its amazing onece u put ur mind into it. "Oh," said the general, "in that case. Then Rainsford saw the man's free hand go to his forehead in a military salute, and he saw him click his heels together and stand at attention. "They are let out at seven every night. His need for rest was imperative and he thought, "I have played the fox, now I must play the cat of the fable." From another door came Ivan. By many methods he tried to put himself to sleep. on October 22, 2018. ", "Oh, that fellow. He staggered, but he did notfall; nor did he drop his revolver. I loved Lazarus; he was the finest hound in my pack. It's clear that the brute put up a fight. "One does not expect nowadays to find a young man of the educated class, even in America, with such a naive, and, if I may say so, mid-Victorian point of view. \"So am I.\" \"Come,\" he said, \"we shouldn't be chatting here. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The hunter had his nerve with him totackle it with a light gun. This is an allusion to the violent Russian Revolution of 1917 during which Czar Nicholas was overthrown, a counter revolution failed, Nicholas and his entire family were murdered, and Russian royalty fled the country. Some wounded thingby the evidence, a large animalhadthrashed about in the underbrush; the jungle weeds werecrushed down and the moss was lacerated; one patch of weedswas stained crimson. I think I may say, in all modesty, that I have done a rare thing. Rainsford leaned across the table, absorbed in what his host was saying. He caught hold of a springyyoung sapling and to it he fastened his hunting knife, with theblade pointing down the trail; with a bit of wild grapevine hetied back the sapling. "Nerve, nerve, nerve!" The swish of the underbrush against his huntingboots grew fainter and fainter. Well, I think I'll turn in now, Rainsford. he panted, as he dashed along. Heleaped upon the rail and balanced himself there, to get greater 4 I hunt the scum of the earth: sailors from tramp shipslassars, blacks, Chinese, whites, mongrelsa thoroughbred horse or hound is worth more than a score of them.". . Zaroffs being worldly and sophisticated, yet choosing to live in isolation, makes him an even more mysterious figure. Yes, he was a monster. The lights of the yacht as it moves away from Rainsford in the darkness are described with a metaphor, calling them ever-vanishing fireflies. The metaphor emphasizes the growing distance between Rainsford and the yacht and the danger in which he now finds himself, alone in the sea. "Your Burmese tiger pit has claimed one of my best dogs. Zaroff would consider it a debacle, a catastrophic disaster, since his father was a member of the Russian nobility. Rainsford went to the window and looked out toward the sea. The night is also described through personification; it pressed its blackness over the yacht, as if the night acted with deliberation. "I am still a beast at bay," he said, in a low, hoarse voice. The Most Dangerous Game Find two lines, one at the beginning and one at the end, that shows the change in Rainsford. Uploaded by I give him a supply of food and an excellent hunting knife. Rainsford hesitated. "We should make it in a few days. That's the trouble with these sailors; they have dull brains to begin with, and they do not know how to get about in the woods. He could stay where he was and wait. He advanced to Rainsford and held out hishand. Luckily for me I, too, have hunted in Malacca. General Zaroff had an exceedingly good dinner in his greatpaneled dining hall that evening. I shall be back.\" When the general, nursing his bruised shoulder, had gone,Rainsford took up his flight again. Ah, well, doubtless you had Purit-an ancestors. The term "civilized" usually refers to highly-developed culture and . ", "Maybe. Night is also personified as being apprehensive, which means to feel anxious or fearful about something that might happen. I sug-gest, too, that you avoid the big swamp in the southeast cornerof the island. Then, as he stepped forward, his foot sank into the ooze. It gives me pleasure. Rainsford went back to the bed and lay down. I have hunted every kind of game in every land. Using only a small-caliber pistol for self-defense, he kidnaps the survivors and hunts them for sport while providing them with food, clothing, a knife, and a three-hour head start. The general smiled the quiet smile of one who has faced an obstacle and surmounted it with success. 'as if the air about us was actually poisonous. "I expect rather fair sporta big, strong, black. I'll show you.\" The general steered Rainsford to a window. ", "Thank you, I'm a hunter, not a murderer. Then he straightened up and took from his case one of his black cigarettes; its pungent incenselike smoke floated up to Rainsford's nostrils. My whole life has been one prolonged hunt. I hope so.\" \"Why? He examined the ground closely and found what he had hoped to findthe print of hunting boots. Across a cove he couldsee the gloomy gray stone of the chateau. Then he added, hastily: "I don't wish you to think me a braggart, Mr. Rainsford. He knew it would be insane to blunderon through the dark, even if he had the strength. Then he straightened up and took from his case one ofhis black cigarettes; its pungent incenselike smoke floated upto Rainsford's nostrils. Then, as he stepped forward, his foot sank into the ooze. Rainsford, reclining in a steamer chair, indolently puffed onhis favorite brier. "Where there are pistol shots, there are men. A tartar is a person from regions in Siberia and central Asia whose lineage included Mongols and Turks. The Most Dangerous Game Pause at line 410. Which classic books had predictions that came true? Heheard it again; then it was cut short by another noise, crisp,staccato. Poorspecimens and more accustomed to the deck than to thejungle.\" He raised his hand, and Ivan, who served as waiter,brought thick Turkish coffee. 'as ifthe air about us was actually poisonous. He was in a picture with a frameof water, and his operations, clearly, must take place withinthat frame. That is no boast; it is a mathematical certainty. Then he switched on the light. The fellowlost his head. Me He madea hunter. It was the baying of a pack of hounds. At ten he went up to his bedroom. His hands were tight closed as if his nerve were something tangible that someone in the darkness was trying to tear from his grip. He flung himself down at the jungle edge and tumbled headlong into the deepest sleep of his life. Ivan, a former official knouter for the Great White Czar, is given the option of hunting captives or taking them to him. In declaring that when providence doesnt work in his favor, he takes action to get what he wants, Zaroff reveals his arrogance and immense ego. The general was saving him for another day's sport! xbbRb`b``` ( The most dangerous game is about a man who claims to hunt animals for fun becoming the hunted. Then he said to me, very gravely, 'Don't you feel anything? PDF WITH TEXT download. He reached it. We can talk later. Ivan once had the honor of serving as official knouter to the Great White Czar, and he has his own ideas of sport. 2 I drink to a foeman worthy of my steelat last.\" The gen-eral raised his glass, but Rainsford sat staring at him. "You have won the game. . I went into the army--it was expected of noblemen's sons--and for a time commanded a division of Cossack cavalry, but my real interest was always the hunt. Then he felt an impulse to cry aloud with joy, for he heard the sharp crackle of the breaking branches as the cover of the pit gave way; he heard the sharp scream of pain as the pointed stakes found their mark. I eventually had to use the dogs.". The word has great significance as the story continues. \"Ugh! We were drawing near the island then. "I suggest to one of them that we go hunting. "But they are men," said Rainsford hotly. He stepped back from the quicksand a dozen feet or so and, like some huge prehistoric beaver, he began to dig. Naturally, I continued to hunt--grizzliest in your Rockies, crocodiles in the Ganges, rhinoceroses in East Africa. My name is Sanger Rainsford of New York City.". Eagerly he hurriedalong, now slipping on a rotten log or a loose stone, but mak-ing headway; night was beginning to settle down on the island. You shall have them.This is a most-restful spot.\" Ivan had reappeared, and the general spoke to him with lipsthat moved but gave forth no sound. "I see," he said. Again Rainsford lifted the heavy knocker, and let it fall. \"Rainsford!\" screamed the general. The Folies Bergere is a famous music hall in Paris known for light entertainment and extravagant musical revues with elaborate sets and provocative costumes. Rainsford had fought his way through the bush for two hours. %!`]) L#26H9BTG./+s\W3_AMKapc[*Ah&;`qK\!t*,-lnb1O&1R%7 The passage indicates that Rainsford does not give up easily when he is in a dangerous situation. ", The smile on the general's face widened. The name of the island has connotations of mystery and danger. Drawing the readers attention to the island several times at the beginning of the story suggests that the island itself plays an important role in the plot. Rainsford was waiting for Zaroff when he opened the door after locking himself in his room and turning on the lights; he had swum across the island to enter the chateau undetected by the dogs. Throwing off his sack of food, Rainsford took hisknife from its sheath and began to work with all his energy. Will you have another glass of Chablis, Mr. Always. Books Guidance does not own books pdf, neither created nor scanned. mine. \"Get ready, General Zaroff.\" The general made one of his deepest bows. See you at breakfast.\" \"Right. As soon. That would be barbarous. I live for danger,Mr. He gave nosign that he understood Rainsford's words, or that he had evenheard them. The general could followa trail through the woods at night; he could follow an ex-tremely difficult trail; he must have uncanny powers; only bythe merest chance had the Cossack failed to see his quarry. A knout was a whip designed to inflict maximum pain that was used in Imperial Russia to flog criminals and political prisoners; a knouter was the person who used it in whipping them, often to death. 0000000797 00000 n But sometimes I think sailors have an extra sensethat tells them when they are in danger. He leaped upon the rail and balanced himself there, to get greater elevation; his pipe, striking a rope, was knocked from his mouth. Dusk came, then darkness, and still he pressed on. Then he cowered back. I killed my first bear in the Caucasus when I was ten. Come to thewindow with me.\" Rainsford went to the window and looked out toward the sea. \"I refuse to believe that so modern andcivilized a young man as you seem to be harbors romanticideas about the value of human life. The passage is an allusion to Aesops fable The Fox and the Cat, a tale in which a fox and a cat try to elude hunters who are pursuing them. Will you come with me to the library?\" \"I hope,\" said Rainsford, \"that you will excuse me tonight,General Zaroff. ", Rainsford did not smile. Not far from where he landed, he stopped. He made his way along with his eyes fixed in utmost concentration on the ground before him. The fox is caught and killed, but the cat escapes. A man, who had been hiding in the curtains of the bed, was standing there. "Yes, even that tough-minded old Swede, who'd go up to the devil himself and ask him for a light. . "You've done well, Rainsford," the voice of the general called. Employing a metaphor, Zaroff calls his hunting Rainsford and Rainsfords trying to elude him outdoor chess. Discounting the deadly nature of Zaroffs game, it is similar to chess in that a player must think carefully, plan a strategy, and anticipate an opponents moves in order to counter them. The name is an allusion to James Purdey and Sons (or Purdeys), a company established in London in 1814 that makes high-quality custom hunting rifles and shotguns. "How extraordinarily droll you are!" For some minutes he stood regarding theblue-green expanse of water. Do you think we've passed that island yet?\" \"I can't tell in the dark. Sailors have a curious dread of theplace. When I was only fiveyears old he gave me a little gun, specially made in Moscow forme, to shoot sparrows with. "Well, I suppose that's only natural, after your long swim. They'refrom the Spanish bark San Lucar that had the bad luck to goon the rocks out there. There are no reviews yet. \"One does not expect nowadays to find a youngman of the educated class, even in America, with such a naive, 12 847 0 obj <>stream ", "Simply this: hunting had ceased to be what you call 'a sporting proposition.' No other hunting compares with it for an instant. line; and his first thought was that be had come upon a village, for . Out of the snarl of beard two small eyes regarded Rainsford. The sea was as flat as a plate-glasswindow. I like so many here read this in HS and have since read several stories and at least one book with the same plot. He was almost on the rocks before he saw them; on a night less calm he would have been shattered against them. The lights of the yacht became faint and ever-vanishing fireflies; then they were blotted out entirely by the night. He tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously at his foot as if it were a giant leech. %48N&()Q9at.zXE^ 0?E5aAtAQ=a%_]?=0H72;"8 Z{oy2{6&s?p43gfks I'll wager you'll forget your notions when you go hunting with me. The hunter had his nerve with him to tackle it with a light gun. \"Hardly. He began to count his strokes; he could do possibly a hundred more and then. \"The old charts call it `Ship-Trap Island,\"' Whitney replied.\"A suggestive name, isn't it? That had been a placid pastime compared to his digging now. I'm going home for a rest now. The Cossack was the cat; he was the mouse. I have about a dozen pupils down there now. Ah, well, doubtless you had Puritan ancestors. Rainsford heard a sound. But as heforged along he saw to his great astonishment that all the 6 Then he leaped far out into the sea. Rest brought him new confidence and almost a feelingof security. Rainsford's first impression was that the man was singularly handsome; his second was that there was an original, almost bizarre quality about the general's face. You've had no hunting\" \"I wish to go today,\" said Rainsford. "I was about to have my dinner when you came. \"That's odd. I fell off a yacht. No thrill left in tigers, no real danger. \"It's inthe cellar. If anyone should try to get into my houseor out of itsomething extremely regrettable would occur to him." Why had he turned back? Even CaptainNielsen\" 3 We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 50.Note: This book is brought to you by Feedbookshttp://www.feedbooks.comStrictly for personal use, do not use this file for commercialpurposes. The deplorable part of it was thatLazarus followed him. \"Rainsford,\" called the general, \"if you are within sound ofmy voice, as I suppose you are, let me congratulate you. These stakes heplanted in the bottom of the pit with the points sticking up.With flying fingers he wove a rough carpet of weeds andbranches and with it he covered the mouth of the pit. What perils that tangle of trees and un-derbrush might hold for him did not concern Rainsford justthen. But I shall be back. Rainsford. His whole idea at first was toput distance between himself and General Zaroff; and, to this 17 Choosing to hunt jaguars in the Amazon rainforest supports the idea that Whitney and Rainsford are experienced and adventurous hunters. 822 0 obj <> endobj Somewhere, off in theblackness, someone had fired a gun three times. And theanswer was, of course, `It must have courage, cunning, and,above all, it must be able to reason.\"' \"But no animal can reason,\" objected Rainsford. 23 He nodded toward the corner to where the giant stood, scowling, his thick arms crossed on his hogshead of chest. He heard it again; then it was cut short by another noise, crisp, staccato. The story was amazing it had adventures. I'll wait foryou. Then he switched on the light. Last night I detected traces of my oldcomplaint.\" To Rainsford's questioning glance the general said, \"Ennui.Boredom.\" Then, taking a second helping of crpes Suzette, the generalexplained: \"The hunting was not good last night. Off to the right he heard it, and his ears, expert in such matters, could not be mistaken. It was the shore of the sea. "For the hunter," amended Whitney. Three feet from the pit a man was standing, with an electric torch in his hand. It sent ashudder of cold horror through his whole being. Ever nearer drew the hounds. Following the trail with the sureness of a bloodhound cameGeneral Zaroff. It was in Africa that the Cape buf-falo hit me and laid me up for six months. . Some He makes kings, some beggars. Then he ran for his life. "Watch! The softness of the earth had given him an idea. But I shall be back. General Zaroff did not appear until luncheon. Rainsfords sleeping in Zaroffs bed shows that he had killed Zaroff and won Zaroffs deadly game. 840 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<02E7BD763E6DAC4F98F8ECBA6E823698><25FB04973807254DAFCFEC83BD89BBE0>]/Index[822 26]/Info 821 0 R/Length 85/Prev 129752/Root 823 0 R/Size 848/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream He saw the dead blackeyes of the general on him, studying him. The fellow lost his head. They weren't.\" The Cos-sack sighed. Of course you, in turn, must agree to say nothing of your visit here.". Now he had got a grip on himself,had stopped, and was taking stock of himself and the situation.He saw that straight flight was futile; inevitably it would bringhim face to face with the sea. Invariably, Mr. Rainsford, invariably they choose the hunt. I give him three hours'start. He could flee. Rainsfords referring to the fable shows that he is employing every means to escape Zaroff. You are proving interesting,Mr. It's one of the classics in literature [with a small "l"]. He strained his eyes in the direction from which the reports had come, but it was like trying to see through a blanket. I have but one passionin my life, Mr. Rainsford, and it is the hunt.\" \"You have some wonderful heads here,\" said Rainsford as heate a particularly well-cooked filet mignon. Three days hence we can discuss it over a bottle of VeuveCliquot, unless\" The general sipped his wine. The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell (PDF) Free Download The Most Dangerous Game PDF Free Download (2022) : Richard Connell' s short story "The Most Dangerous Game pdf," also known as "The Hounds of Zaroff". Amenities refers to things that provide comfort, convenience, or pleasure. Now, you mustn't laugh when I tell you thisI did feel something like a sudden chill. He knew where he was now. I have but one passion in my life, Mr. Rainsford, and it is the hunt. May I pour you another glass ofport?\" \"Thank you, general.\" The general filled both glasses, and said, \"God makes somemen poets. So many Americans appear to have had. Twenty feet belowhim the sea rumbled and hissed. ", The general shrugged his shoulders and delicately ate a hothouse grape. I have hunted every kind of gamein every land. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. \"Not for the jaguar.\" \"Don't talk rot, Whitney,\" said Rainsford. The ellipses before the passage and the change in verb tense in the passage indicate that some time has passed since Rainsford and Zaroff prepared to do battle in Zaroffs bedroom. "Ah, indeed?" I amworried, Mr. Rainsford. The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell - Free eBook The last line leaves the reader to infer that Rainsford has killed Zaroff, making the ending a triumphant victory for civilization and American values. It's most annoying. Great story! \"I've read your book about hunting snow leopards in Tibet,you see,\" explained the man. \"A rather good lot, I think,\" observed the general. Sometimes, whenProvidence is not so kind, I help Providence a bit. Anyhow, I'm glad we're getting out of this zone. You're joking.\" \"Not at all,\" said the general.\"I never joke about hunting. With his remaining strength he dragged himself from the swirling waters. \"You don't mean\" cried Rainsford. The general was saving him for another day'ssport! Yes, he was a monster.\" \"Did he charge you?\" \"Hurled me against a tree,\" said the general. I will not.\" He slid down from the tree, and struck off again into thewoods. Why had the general smiled? \"No, general,\" he said. This makes as much sense as if Ivan were sometimes a huge Cossack and then became a Bolshoi ballerina. Hecould see the great hounds, and he called, \"Better luck anothertime,\" to them. He was solicitous about the state of Rainsford's health. He stood there, rubbing his injured shoulder, and Rainsford, with fear again gripping his heart, heard the general's mocking laugh ring through the jungle. It must have beena fairly large animal too. Great sport, hunting.\" \"The best sport in the world,\" agreed Rainsford. Ivan had reappeared, and the general spoke to him with lips that moved but gave forth no sound. Thecocktail was surpassingly good; and, Rainsford noted, the tableapointments were of the finestthe linen, the crystal, the sil-ver, the china. He was dressed in uniforma black uniformtrimmed with gray astrakhan. He saw that straight flight was futile; inevitably it would bring him face to face with the sea. 10 ", Rainsford shook his head. General Zaroff had an exceedingly good dinner in his great paneled dining hall that evening. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); American author and journalist Richard Edward Connell Jr. (October 17, 1893November 22, 1949) was born in the United States. "I wish to go today," said Rainsford. on the Internet. Luckily, you and I are hunters. Hewas a very rich man with a quarter of a million acres in theCrimea, and he was an ardent sportsman. He had high cheekbones, a sharpcut nose, a spare, dark facethe face of a man used to giving orders, the face of an aristocrat. "We will have some capital hunting, you and I," said the general. I suggest you wear moccasins; they leave a poorer trail. Naturally, I continued to huntgrizzliest in your Rockies, crocodiles in the Ganges, rhinoceroses in East Africa. We just provide the link that is already available on the internet and in Google Drive. Great Guns, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder. That would be barbar-ous. Night found him leg-weary, with hands and face lashed by the branches, on a thickly wooded ridge. ", "Nonsense," laughed Rainsford. The lights of the chat-eau were out now, and it was dark and silent; but there was afragment of sallow moon, and by its wan light he could see,dimly, the courtyard. ", "Oh," said the general, "I give him his option, of course. Then he ran for his life. I don't know why. He advanced to Rainsford and held out his hand. A small, glittering object not far awaycaught Rainsford's eye and he picked it up. As soon as I recovered I started for the Amazon to hunt jaguars, for I had heard they were unusually cunning. Will you come with me to the library? Ten minutes of determined effort brought another sound tohis earsthe most welcome he had ever heardthe mutteringand growling of the sea breaking on a rocky shore. I live for danger, Mr. The last shot was when he trailed it here and finished it.".
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